
Counter strike online wikipedia
Counter strike online wikipedia

  1. Counter strike online wikipedia for free#
  2. Counter strike online wikipedia mods#
  3. Counter strike online wikipedia Pc#
  4. Counter strike online wikipedia series#

They have their own attributes in Zombie Scenario mode. There are also many factions of Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist, and many new characters are introduced in Counter-Strike Online. The main mode that constantly has new maps released for it is Zombie Scenario, which already has five seasons of ladders. Instead of imported maps from Counter-Strike, and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike Online also comes with its own original maps. There are also exclusive anti-zombie weapons that are built specially for fighting zombies they lso buff weapons that are rare and/or powerful. Instead of skins, each weapon comes with different stats, and each combination can be very useful in certain situations. There are plenty of new weapons in Counter-Strike Online and they can be obtained from numerous sources such as events, buying directly from the in-game shop, using the weapon crafting system, or through the "Decoder" system.

Counter strike online wikipedia mods#

There are also "mini-modes" such as Soccer and Fight Yard, mainly inspired from community-made mods of Counter-Strike Weapons There are many modes introduced in Counter-Strike Online and some of the significant and popular modes are Zombie Infection and Zombie Scenario. The game is constantly updated with new content every two weeks since its debut in 2008, it has gained numerous modes, maps, weapons, characters and items. It is only playable in the United Kingdom, Russia, the Middle East, and North America so far. This game was introduced in Western countries as Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies and available via Steam. It was first published in South Korea, and is now available in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Counter strike online wikipedia Pc#

  • 200,000 Mileage Duffel Bag: You can freely send amounts up to 200,000 mileage.Counter-Strike Online is a free-to-play MMOFPS PC video game with micro-transactions that is developed from original Counter-Strike with GoldSrc engine.
  • 100,000 Mileage Duffel Bag: You can freely send amounts up to 100,000 mileage.
  • 50,000 Mileage Duffel Bag: You can freely send amounts up to 50,000 mileage.
  • 2 Inicialmente criado como um 'mod' de Half-Life para jogos online, foi desenvolvido por Minh Le e Jess Cliffe e depois adquirido pela Valve Corporation.
  • 10,000 Mileage Duffel Bag: You can freely send amounts up to 10,000 mileage. Counter-Strike (tambm abreviado por CS) um popular jogo eletrnico de tiro em primeira pessoa.
  • These weapons can now undergo Weapon Enhancement (up to +4).
  • The damage for these weapons and SKULL-9 is doubled.
  • All these weapons are sold directly in the shop.
  • Counter strike online wikipedia for free#

  • SKULL-1, SKULL-3, SKULL-4 and SKULL-5 are given for free as part of Weapon of the Month.
  • Added Thunder Ghost Walker and Dual Sword Hellfire.
  • Counter-Strike Online adalah game FPS (First Person Shooter) berbasiskan jaringan.
  • Resold Private Erica and Drill Instructor Gerard Halaman artikel ini perlu dirapikan agar memenuhi standar Wikipedia.
  • Brick Piece S1451, Hunter Killer X-7, Hunter Killer X-45 and Rail Cannon can now undergo +5 Weapon Enhancement.
  • Additional improvement on Zombie Scenario.
  • Counter-Strike Online was followed by Counter-Strike Online 2 in 2013.

    Counter strike online wikipedia series#

    In 2008, Nexon Corporation released Counter-Strike Online, a free-to-play instalment in the series monetized via microtransactions.

  • Held Zombie Scenario League Season 4 Event The first, Counter-Strike Neo, was an arcade game developed by Namco and released in Japan in 2003.
  • Modified the maximum enhancement value of the VICTORY series weapon enhancement items (Damage, Accuracy, Recoil, Weight, Continuous fire, and Number of rounds) to 5.
  • Two opposing teams, the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists, compete in game modes to repeatedly complete objectives, such as securing a location to plant or defuse a bomb and rescuing or capturing hostages.
  • Modified the maximum enhancement value of M95 Christmas damage from 1 to 2. Global Offensive, like prior games in the Counter-Strike series, is an objective-based, multiplayer first-person shooter.
  • Recovered an add-on item that was used irrespective of the intent due to a system error.
  • Replaced Blood Dripper with Thunder Ghost Walker in Transcendence Decoder.
  • Replaced Magnum Drill with Infinity Laser Fist in Transcendence Decoder.
  • Held Let's spend the year-end together! and Let's run together! events.
  • Unlocked Blade Frostbreaker for +5 Weapon Enhancement.
  • Added Part System to Green Dragon Blade and SKULL-11.
  • Removed Rare grade weapons from Transcendence Decoder and Event Decoder.
  • Added Point Transcendence Decoder and Point Class Decoder.
  • Added Aetheris, Axion, Medea and Kal-el permanently into Class Decoder.
  • Resold Leader Soi and Super Soldier Jennifer.
  • Resold Magnum Launcher, Trinity Grenade, X-TRACKER and Lightning Fury to Rotation group in Transcendence Decoder.
  • Held New/Returning plaers welcome attendance and Adieu 2021 ! Snowflake Collection events.
  • Added rules for Zombie Hero and Zombie Z modes.

  • Counter strike online wikipedia